My Lab Puppy Has Small Ears
The Labrador breed standard was created in the early 1900’s and while there have been a few minor changes and extensions since, it’s still the same standard that’s in use today. (You can read about Labrador History here.). Breeders use the standard as the blueprint in their breeding programs, as the ideal dog to aim for, to ensure the purity, continuation and future of the breed.
My lab puppy has small ears. One of my favorite things about lil North — this is not him, but that was — was his flippy floppy ears. While they drooped forward when he was very small, they stood up for a few puppy months. My dog has many little bumps on her head between her ears and towards her neck. They just appeared today and are very itchy. They just appeared today and are very itchy. They are about the size of the tip of a pen, maybe a bit bigger. A small or toy-breed dog has less heat to begin with – simply because they are so tiny.. While your puppy might have the time of their life playing in their first snow, when their ears start feeling chilly, they’ll need a break to warm up.. “my dog’s ears are cold,” it’s rarely anything you should call your vet over. To soothe a dog's itchy ears immediately, consider trying over-the-counter dog antihistamines or a short course of corticosteroids. Next, inspect your dog's ears for signs of an infection, such as redness, swelling, an unpleasant odor, or discharge coming from the ear.
Our 12 week old lab puppy has ears that no longer lie flat, but stick out kinda goofy looking. When we got her at 8 weeks, her ears did lie flat. I know she is a purebred with papers to prove it, but our first lab didn't have this problem. Yeast Infections - a yeast infection that is a fairly common cause of puppy hair loss. Moist areas are the most common places for this infection to show up (such as armpits, behind ears, and in skin folds). Dogs with a lot of 'wrinkles' such as English Bulldogs, Shar-Peis etc., are more susceptible to these sorts of infections. The same holds true for dogs with fold-over ears and hanging ears. A basset hound's ears hang straight down like a pendant, but a bloodhound's ears hang down with draped folds. A Jack Russel terrier has ears that fold in half, called button ears, while a dog influenced by collie ancestry might have the tips of the ears cocked forward. We recently brought home a 9 week old lab puppy, with our 2 year old lab. They seem to be getting along, “playing” as it appears to us, however, the puppy bites the other dogs neck, face, ankles, legs so fiercely she has scars in those areas. The older dog seems “too nice” when this is going on.
3) Smelly Ears (Yeast) If your dog has foul smelling ears, chances are she has a yeast infection in her ears. A normal dogs' ears may smell a little waxy but shouldn't smell bad. A healthy amount of yeast is normal and won't smell, but if your dogs' ears (and maybe paws) start to smell musky and moldy then they may have yeast overgrowth. German Shepherd Puppy Ear Stages. It’s important to keep in mind that these stages are not set in stone. German Shepherd puppy ears can be unpredictable! Don’t panic if your young GSD puppy’s ears are doing funky, wobbly things that don’t quite fit into any of these puppy ear stages. Your dog has visibly dirty ears. Your dog went swimming or had a bath (using a veterinarian-approved cleaner with a drying agent). Your veterinarian directed you to do so while treating an ear infection. Your dog’s ears should be cleaned with a solution specifically developed for this purpose. This is why a puppy will scratch at its ears if it has ear mites. Dark and dry ear debris is typical in a puppy that has ear mites. Infections of bacteria and yeast inside the ear canal can also be irritating and cause a puppy to itch. These commonly occur after the ears get water in them and don't dry out.
Journal of Small Animal Practice; The Labrador Site Founder. Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.. My 2 year old chocolate lab has knots on both ears all up the edge of his ears. Is this from head shaking. My 5 month old puppy has one. This is why the ears are "wrong" looking - because they are NOT 100% Labs. READ AKC standards and READ the truth about the "silver lab". Color. The Labrador Retriever coat colors are black, yellow and chocolate. Any other color or a combination of colors is a disqualification. A small white spot on the chest is permissible, but not desirable. Her ears aren't like a normal labs. She is full blooded though. 4 months? They look very small. It's like the crease over and are back. Essentially, if your pup has had a bit of a growth spurt and his feet are bigger than the rest of his body, you can estimate that your dog will grow into the size of his feet. So if your puppy has feet the size of a Saint Bernard, but he's still pretty small, he'll probably grow to be the size of a Saint Bernard eventually.